Travel Information
The COVID-19 measures at Canada's borders were lifted on October 1, 2022.
However, it is recommended that you take special measures if you are traveling abroad. For each destination, you will find essential information on official warnings, entry and exit requirements, health and safety. It is important to regularly check the conditions of entry and exit of the country where you will be. These terms and conditions may change during the trip, without notice.
The Sherpa tool is a guide that will help you understand the main requirements that apply to the planned itinerary of your trip.
By clicking on this link on the SSQ website Information tool to help you better understand your travel insurance guarantees you will get information on various topics, such as travel cancelation, insurance coverage when traveling to a country bordering Ukraine, eligibility for a refund if you do not meet the vaccination requirements of a country, etc.
It is also important to consult Government of Canada travel advisories and warning levels.
Have a nice trip and be careful!
To understand the annual process for renewing your group insurance plan
The process for renewing the insurance contract for Quebec’s public and parapublic sector management personnel begins in September of each year. Work on this renewal is taking place in several stages. The consulting actuary mandated by the CCR accompanies us at every step of the way.
First, the insurer files its renewal terms and conditions, as well as statistics and experience analyzes relating to sickness, travel and life insurance claims.
These documents allow our consulting actuary to make a very thorough analysis of the renewal conditions proposed by the insurer. The actuary must assess several factors while taking into account the financial conditions of the plan, such as the stabilization fund, which is used to offset future deficits, if any.
It tables its recommendations to the representatives of the retirees and specifies the elements that will have to be discussed with the insurer and the Treasury Board Secretariat, which acts on behalf of the government, the policyholder. As provided for by the Civil Code of Québec, the modifications made by the parties to the insurance contract (the policyholder and the insurer) are noted by an amendment to the policy.
The insurer will send you the new pricing and any changes to the reimbursement guarantees or coverage, if applicable, in December. It is important to note that the insurer applies the obligations under the contract. The insurer’s income under the contract is derived from a percentage negotiated for the general administration of the plan and the administration for the settlement of benefits.
It is also in December, through the newsletter, that your spokesperson, Mr. Daniel Dubé, informs you of the results of the renewal.
Rest assured that this work is being carried out with the aim of agreeing on the best conditions for the annual fee for pensioners of the supervisory staff and more particularly for pensioners under 65.
Daniel Dubé, Retirees’ Spokesperson, ACR
Line St-Cyr, Coordinator, ACR
In this newsletter, the use of the male form is intended only to lighten the text and is not discriminatory.